What a beautiful day! Yes, the sun is shining outside of my window making the thin covering of snow glow in its light. But the beauty I wish to celebrate is the special harmony and balance of this date – the fifth day of the second month in the twenty fifth year of this millennium.
2 – the number of balance and cooperation
5 – the number of freedom and discipline
These energies are doubled today – even more so for balance and cooperation, along with special gifts, as we consider the 2 and 0 of the full year 2025.
We are seeing the days get longer, more sunlight minutes, more brightness reminding us of the growth to come as winter turns to spring. Growth feels like happiness – except when it’s in our bellies!
We have just passed the days of Imbolc and I have had the joy of celebrating this moment with friends in two digital circles – one led by Eimear Stassin, sacred storyteller, and one led by Hilary Giovali and Elyshia Holliday of Nature Evolutionaries. I’m just getting to know St. Brigid as a healer, a poet, a blacksmith – the triple goddess who, through her deep history and elemental harmonies, is helping us today face the forces which disrupt our personal balance and harmony.
We are in the days when and where turning to each other, breathing into our hearts and holding our energetic walls down as best we can, is our only saving grace. We are turning to those we trust and the networks they have cultivated. We are listening carefully for wisdom and resonance. We are practicing skills that may have been stunted by cacophonies of drama. We are turning inward for what Francis Weller calls The Long Dark.
Over the past couple of months, I have had the great fortune of holding space with about 30 people coming together to tenderly extract ourselves from the trappings of modernity. It is hard work to not only eschew the many comforts of modernity while reinforcing intentions to live and lead by our values, but to also embrace the dark energies at our growth edges. Doing this work in community is what helps keep us committed and resilient. Able to expand our capacity for facing reality and bearing the changes – being changed by our own and the collective grief and suffering that has long been minimized and invisibilized by forces of modernity: media, tech, finance, and insurance/pharmaceutical monopolies.
As of this moment I do not yet know where the work of facilitating the teachings of Vanessa Andreotti’s Hospicing Modernity will take me. I suspect, based on some insightful dreams I have been having and the collaborations I am involved in to redevelop a land-based sanctuary, that it will be both amazing and challenging. We must look forward to what our hearts’ trust is possible – together, walking in balance (which is also the name of a program one of my teachers leads) and seeking harmony.
This post links to two resources: a Brigid-inspired website and an interview about initiation, trauma and ritual. I’d like to also mention that I still struggle to share my own resources but always welcome opportunities for collaboration and feedback. I’m still producing episodes of Mujéres Co-labor 4 Peace and may be soon wrapping up season two, Peaceful Dying. My YouTube channel is the best place to watch these episodes.
Be in touch if you are so inspired!
Love and Blessings,
Wren Ribeiro