Unless otherwise specified, all Wrenditions are inspired by observing patterns in life…

Beam Love to everyone and sense love beaming back at you. ~ wr
A deeper breath allows for a longer exchange with the Beloved. ~ wr
There is no need to grasp or clutch the words and ideas that come to you: if they are truly for you they’ll return in a different breath. ~ wr
You can always choose your words – inside and out. ~ wr
Listen to your heart (im)pulses. She has so much love and wisdom for you. ~wr
If we open our eyes to pain and suffering – and pray – our hearts will guide us toward peace. ~ wr
When your body suffers in the presence of another, remember their heart is also beating and they too are breathing. ~ wr
The human body, like all bodies in nature, seeks regeneration and balance. … Knowing this is essential to believing in healing and peace in the body and in nature. ~ wr
Labor is that which affords inspiration and growth toward the experience of community and resonance. ~ wr
Labor is bearing and caring. Of course this includes birthing life; it also includes holding multitudes of importance. ~ wr (inspired by reading the works of Silvia Federici)
What does your heart want?
What has your heart been holding?

Co-laboring and coming together in small interconnected circles are the antidote to the individual or institutional capitalist’s effort to render place, lands, … waterways, ecosystems, and environments … superfluous. ~ wr
To patent any knock off of a medicinal plant (or anything) Mother Earth has forever labored to gift us (for free) is to think we are better than Her. ~ wr
If you steal my chick out of our nest, you force me to fly after you in anger. ~ wr
When a person’s or, especially, an institution’s actions do not match their words, they have too much power. ~ wr
Is cultural apartheid capitalism’s quest?
If so, how do we dis-entangle?
ALL forms of corporate advertisement could be turned into public service offerings. ~ wr
Misogyny is a process of shifting blame, particularly the burden of grief, onto women; a shifting of burden that has become so habitual – even invisible – to the point that may women cannot even see it. ~ wr
The co-labors for peace and justice around misogyny involve great investments of emotional labor to notice, to witness, to hold and stay conscious about, to educate and to fight against – with as much grace and heart as possible – the people, the beliefs, the behaviors, the expectations, and the establishments that continue to both minimize women – body, mind, and spirit (read gaslighting and disappearance) and exceptionalize women – extracting profit in unjust, nontransparent ways from her creativity, her art, her words, her skills, her youth, her beauty – and all the while disempower women in increasingly sophisticated and violent ways. ~ wr
Yes most women have a thick, juicy corpus collosum, so capable of multitasking. This doesn’t mean multi-tasking is her fate; simply one of her many gifts. ~ wr
Sometimes the greatest growth opportunities arrive when you most want to run away, but don’t. ~ wr
In what ways do I engage with and relate to soil, land, and earth beings toward my eventual decomposition and belonging to the earth? ~ wr

OH to be an expert paddler along the rivers of life!
To skillfully navigate the rapids and fully appreciate the still waters is the Middle Way. ~ wr
We are not uprooted logs bumping along the rivers of life. We are fish swimming in the direction of our deep knowings. ~ wr
To feel as smooth as butter you’ll have to feel some churn. ~ wr
Justice is the opposite of violence.
Justice = won-over (1/) violence. ~ wr
Psychological Safety is the sustained experience of peace in the heart and steadiness of breath through explicit and implicit agreements with the self and with others. ~ wr (inspired by co-laboring with Allison Luke)
For all our (white) race-ing, slowing down to create and sustain safety for all is the way toward peace and justice. ~ wr
Community agreements are intentions and processes that build trust as they are upheld and erode trust as they are broken.
Trust creates safety and the experience of connection builds community. ~ wr
Micro-agreements prevent micro-aggressions. ~ wr
Polluted places within us reflect oppressive or polluted places we’ve felt forced into. ~ wr
Triggers or activations are ways the body signals trauma Hearing. ~ wr
When we are in right relationship (with spirit) we are liberated from needing others’ validation. ~ wr