About Inner Fortune2024-11-25T15:43:47-05:00

InnerFortune journaling and consulting offers us a carefully crafted way to reflect – to look at our life with fresh eyes — to keep strong emotional skills, to cultivate in-sight, to reduce angst and stress, and to be resilient humans.

InnerFortune services include:

  • administering organizational assessments – specializing in worker-owned enterprises
  • facilitating collaboratively designed activities
  • aligning interpersonal dynamics
  • team building, game play
  • sharing circles
  • conflict resolution

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Nourish Yourself on the journey toward Inner Fortune.

Express Your Spirit.

Deepen Intimacy.

Cultivate Gratitude.

Know Your Truth.

How Climate Change is Like Sex

Disclaimer: this post is metaphorical. The universal relationship challenges in a committed relationship are being compared to the challenge of gaining natural intelligence — the ebb and flow of desire to become aware of, and committed to serving, Truth. The investigation of climate science and developing a sense of awe for the mystery of ecosystems is kin to self-reflection through our intimate relationships. Humans are being called to “listen” to and partner with such ecosystems in a more mature, respectful manner. Who, other than children with

By |December 15th, 2016|Categories: Articles|

Saving a Few Offerings

Trailing Off… The weather this past weekend was as good as it gets; not humid, slight breeze, sunny. And it was a very rare Saturday where I had nothing scheduled! I decided to take my dog Shaggy for a walk at Wentworth Farm, the idyllic dog walking spot in Amherst, but he didn’t want to go. So instead I figured I’d try to find an entrance to the Robert Frost Trail in that same vicinity. It wasn’t working out. I accosted a stranger walking in

By |August 23rd, 2016|Categories: Articles|
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