Nourish Yourself on the journey toward Inner Fortune.
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Deepen Intimacy.
Cultivate Gratitude.
Know Your Truth.
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Gender Liberation and Patronizing
I wrote an article about the sexual abuse crisis exposed on a grand scale in the Roman Catholic Church and pointed to the gender divide, along with other obvious-to-everyone observations, that helped set the stage for this crisis. I grew up Catholic and now reflect on the constant frustration and cognitive dissonance I felt in my immediate family, in my CCD classes, and during mass — about the depth of content and feeling evoked in me with the religious teachings and the absence or shallowness
Wake the Folk Up
Alisa Garza (I believe) at the 2018 history-making Women's March, said that white women need to become ready, black and brown women need to be ready, and first nation women need to stay ready. Are we called to make yet more fucking change from within -- to get in there really deep and shine light on its dark side and ugly underbelly? Just stop. Are we either on the front lines and poor or praying from the comfort of a balanced checkbook? All I want to do is Shine Light on the Truth.
Musings on Sovereignty
Way back when, on May 17, 2004 the state of Massachusetts gave same sex couples the right to marry each other. While this was a monumental victory for the LGBTQ community, unleashing an intense freedom and sense of possibility in the minds, the spirits, and the physical bodies of each person in a same sex relationship in Massachusetts and beyond, one has to wonder about the power that a governing body like the State has over the lives of those who chose to live or
Global Feast of Chocolate Cake
Imagine a room of round tables, each of which seats eight people from a diverse spectrum of cultural, economic, political, religious and physical circumstances and beliefs. Their task? To fairly divide one big slice of the best chocolate cake ever baked. (for argument’s sake it is gluten- dairy- and all allergen-free so that it can be enjoyed by everyone). What scenarios could we expect? The Best Chocolate Cake Ever Created Someone might propose using a scale to weigh their slice of cake and divide the
Boredom in a World Gone Mad
Watching old movies is an interesting way to take note of just how mad the world used to be. How could people swear in movies from the 1980’s the way they did? So out of context! Or, more importantly, how could writers and producers script women like the heroic tramp Jamie Lee Curtis played in Trading Places? If we watch any film produced more than 10-20 years ago, we could easily find it dreadfully boring by today’s standards. What’s that called? Oh yeah, quaint. Appreciated