
September – Biomimicry

The idea of dynamic stability and not wasting (anything) is extremely inspiring to me. And, with the truths of my heart chords strummed awake by Robin Wall Kimmerer's messages of "raise a garden, raise a ruckus" and "give the Branson prize to the trees", and "the generous resilience of the plants show us how to get back up and keep going", I am ready to feel more humbly aware of the gifts our Mother Earth gives us and, like a petulant child coming to her senses, more carefully attend to my responsibility to her.

By |2020-09-30T22:51:39-04:00September 30th, 2020|Articles|Comments Off on September – Biomimicry

April – Inside Out Biology

When I think of inside-out I think about the way our bodies inform us - the subtle hints when something is starting to go wrong like a sixth sense, or the all too easy to ignore messages that our stomachs and other organs give us when our physical or emotional states are off kilter. At the moment, inside-out feels like the very real conversations we each need to have with ourselves.

By |2020-04-30T14:17:13-04:00April 30th, 2020|Articles|3 Comments
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