Nourish Yourself on the journey toward Inner Fortune.
Express Your Spirit.
Deepen Intimacy.
Cultivate Gratitude.
Know Your Truth.
April – Inside Out Biology
When I think of inside-out I think about the way our bodies inform us - the subtle hints when something is starting to go wrong like a sixth sense, or the all too easy to ignore messages that our stomachs and other organs give us when our physical or emotional states are off kilter. At the moment, inside-out feels like the very real conversations we each need to have with ourselves.
Feminine Consciousness Rising
Feminine consciousness is inclusive and generous. “It” cares less about who said what when, and more about harmony and justice. It is the higher minded, long term, visionary side of us that breeds compassion and values based actions. It is a counterbalance to hyper-individualism and a rudder for steering families, workplaces, and communities out of muddy waters. Some of the questions that arise alongside this broad and critical notion include these:
March – Energetic Excess
What is Energetic Excess? How does one find clarity when full of frenetic energy and chaos? And then what to do about it? This post is the MARCH edition of the 2020 Year of Truth and it includes a number of ways to begin dismantling patriarchal consciousness and behaviors.
Sheltering In Place
Settling into these days of “sheltering in place“ we are gaining perspective about what is important... After the house has been cleaned, closets and garage and basement and attic spaces organized, conversations begin to unfold lovingly – the ones that have needed to emerge for too long... Heartbreak Shatters the Shell around the Heart and Awakens its Capacity to Love.
Containment 2020
Stop. Just stop. It is no longer a request. It is a mandate. We will help you. We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt We will stop ... the frenetic, furied rush of illusions and “obligations” that keep you from hearing our single and shared beating heart, the way we breathe together, in unison.
February – Relationship Communication
2020 is the Year of Truth and what better month than February to dig into the essence of relationship communication? Let's tackle this up front and establish some important guidelines that can carry us through the whole year. So I've got a bit of a book review, a deep and insightful writing from a client to share, and general thoughts about transforming blah's into bliss!