About Inner Fortune2024-11-25T15:43:47-05:00

InnerFortune journaling and consulting offers us a carefully crafted way to reflect – to look at our life with fresh eyes — to keep strong emotional skills, to cultivate in-sight, to reduce angst and stress, and to be resilient humans.

InnerFortune services include:

  • administering organizational assessments – specializing in worker-owned enterprises
  • facilitating collaboratively designed activities
  • aligning interpersonal dynamics
  • team building, game play
  • sharing circles
  • conflict resolution

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Nourish Yourself on the journey toward Inner Fortune.

Express Your Spirit.

Deepen Intimacy.

Cultivate Gratitude.

Know Your Truth.

October – Volition and Life Purpose

The battle between Wisps and Chains. Sounds intriguing. When I muse about the notion of volition–one’s calling or journey–and how the path one walks can twist or turn (or not), I think about spirituality and economics and the subtle or raging battles between the two.

September – Biomimicry

The idea of dynamic stability and not wasting (anything) is extremely inspiring to me. And, with the truths of my heart chords strummed awake by Robin Wall Kimmerer's messages of "raise a garden, raise a ruckus" and "give the Branson prize to the trees", and "the generous resilience of the plants show us how to get back up and keep going", I am ready to feel more humbly aware of the gifts our Mother Earth gives us and, like a petulant child coming to her senses, more carefully attend to my responsibility to her.

August – Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence. Why do we down play the first word and up play (or worship) the second? In Biographies of Hegemony: The Culture of Smartness and the Recruitment and Construction of Investment Bankers, Karen Zouwen Ho writes: “The ‘culture of smartness’ is central to understanding Wall Street’s financial agency, how investment bankers are personally and institutionally empowered to enact their worldviews, export their practices, and serve as models for far-reaching socioeconomic change. On Wall Street, ‘smartness’ means much more than individual intelligence; it conveys a

July – DNA

July: The Seventh Feature in 2020 — The Year of Truth — Focus: DNA — Telomeres and Terpenes From an early Nature Research July 2020 publication by Karen Miga et.al.: “After two decades of improvements [attempting to map human DNA], the current human reference genome (GRCh38) with hundreds of unresolved gaps [in sequencing, has been surpassed.]… [A] de novo human genome assembly … with the first gapless, telomere-to-telomere assembly of a human [X] chromosome … was enabled by …  nanopore sequencing of the … CHM13 [human]

By |July 30th, 2020|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

June – Reparenting

Sunday was Father’s Day. It was an intense day in an intense week in an intense month in a freaking intense year. Very early in the morning, during the hours when I was supposed to be subconsciously processing the intensity of the day before, I had a thought: what would I do if I was in solitary confinement for a year? Would I go insane immediately? If not, what kind of games would I play with my mind in order to protect my sanity? I imagined myself getting tortured with being woken up every 90 minutes for what felt like an eternity. Each time, I went through the roll call of my family members names so I wouldn’t forget them.

May – Men Oh Pause

The first thing that comes to mind about menopause is the fact that women literally start to fall apart with this life change. The comorbidities include heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, stroke, dementia, auto immune disorders, general emotional un-wellness, and a variety of cancers -- not to mention the symptoms and effects such as sleeplessness, hot flashes, loss of bone density, etc. In searching for menopause shame I noticed that women speaking boldly about the stigmas around it are creating distance by naming it "the menopause."

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